Piano Lessons | Flute Lessons, Guitar Lessons, Keyboard Lessons, Recorder Lessons | Aural Lessons, Theory Lessons, Composition Lessons, NCEA Music Tutoring
Sharon’s Music Studio provides group and one to one lessons in the following in East and South Auckland: Botay,Pakuranga,Dannemora, Flatbush,Glendowie,St Heliers, Orakei,St Johns,Missionbay, Manurewa
We have teachers who are fully qualified and experienced to teach the students.
Learning an instrument for young beginners
Learning music MUST BE FUN!
Group lessons are great way to start learning the music for young beginners! We arrange groups lessons in similar levels and age to make learning fun. You will be amazed to see the progress each week when the students are enjoying the music lessons. The lessons will have various games and theory works to focus on building a strong fundamental of music.
One to one lessons
This is when you get quite serious with your instrument.
One to one tuition will be focused on the student, tailored to fit the student’s level of experience, rate of progress and musical preferences.
If you want to see some videos and photos of our student playing, please check our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/sharonsmusicnz/
Our website is coming soon.
Teaching Info
Keyboard lessons (only available in Manurewa studio)
1:2 – 30mins (recommend for young beginners)
1:2 – 45 mins (recommend for intermediate level)
Piano, Guitar and lessons (available in South)
1:1 – 30mins, 45mins, 1hr (Exam preparations available)